A letter to 8-year-old me

Dear 8-Year-Old Kyle Wilson,

Where do I start?

What advice would I give to you to change your life. I would try to to help you through the worst of your life and give you advice for things you don’t know about life and what to expect in the future.

I would tell you to not to be afraid and not let the anxiety and fear control you and to be braver than you are.

I would tell you that  the words of the bullies are all lies, that you’re better than what they say you are.

I would tell you that you are a child of God and that He loves you no matter what. Through the bad and the good, He’s there to keep you safe no matter where you go or what you are.

I would tell you to be more confident because you are stronger than you know, that even when you don’t think it you are loved forever, and that friends are always there for you even when you don’t think so.

I would tell you all these things and even more.

But the real point of it is that the choices that you made helped you become…me.


17-Year-Old Kyle Wilson