The importance of never saying goodbye

When you hang up the phone and say, “Goodbye,” you never know if that will be the last time you talk to someone.

I have made it a point in my life to never use the words “goodbye” or “bye” for many reasons.

My number one reason is because if something happens, I don’t want that to be the last thing I say to someone.

Afterall, goodbye sounds like forever, and when people say it, they don’t always mean forever.

I would rather say, “See you later” or “Talk to you soon,” when ending a conversation with someone.

If I love someone, I always make sure I say, “I love you” last when ending a conversation because I always want that to be the last thing someone hears from me if something unexpected were to occur.

I want the people I love to never question the love I have for them.

It is important to let the people you care about know how you feel and how much you truly do care about them.

Even if things were to end between two people or if people were to argue about something, things should never end bad enough to where you don’t express your feelings.

Life has a mysterious way of working out, and anything is possible and your life can end in a split second.

No one would want to hold onto the fact that the last word they said to someone was “bye.”

You could be at school one second and the next you could be in a wreck.

You could be at a birthday party one minute and then 30 minutes later be hit with the fact that your mom or dad has cancer.

You could be having the best day of your life and then the next day find out your grandma has passed away.

Anything can happen in a blink of an eye and saying “goodbye” shouldn’t be the way something is ended.

Make sure that no matter what happens that everyone knows that you love and care about them because the next second could be your last.

It’s important to me that every single person I care about knows exactly how much I love them and I will spend the rest of my years saying “hello” and “see you soon” to every person I can.