Learning to deal with the stresses

Second semester has finally arrived and everyone knows what that means:


It isn’t true for everyone, but for me, day one is one of the most stressful days of the semester.

It’s the day you go into each classroom full of new faces, hear expectation from each teacher and see everything you will have to learn during that semester

Week one, though, is the time in the semester when I get the most stressed.

You have to get used to a new schedule and new teaching styles. You also have to start learning curriculum that is brand new and a lot of the time, confusing.

It’s overwhelming because it feels like it is neverending; the classes seem to last forever.

For me, stress is all-consuming.

Stress isn’t just from school, though.

Life can be completely overwhelming.

We face obstacles we never think we will never make it through. We learn how to be strong because of them, though. We go through heartbreaks, funerals, illnesses and so much more.

The expectations teenagers have from others are one of the biggest reasons stress levels in students are so high.

It’s okay to have high standards and it’s okay to want to reach expectations that seem unreachable.

When we stop and look around, though, we forget how fortunate we are.

There is someone out there that has it worse than you.

That doesn’t make your situation any easier or less of a obstacle, but being grateful in hard times is just as important as being grateful in the best times.

After all, you get the chance to wake up, go to school and spend time with your family and friends.

Some don’t get that.

Some people at this exact moment are fighting for air or taking their last breath. There are people fighting diseases.

Others are losing loved ones; some are going through divorces.

Others are even going through things that seem impossible to get through and that people just wouldn’t understand.

We are alive and healthy enough to be here for now and that is something to be thankful for.

When stress feels like it is getting out of hand, take a deep breath and relax because you’ll get through it.

I’ve always been told “as long as you try your best that’s all that matters.”

Growing up I really didn’t take that one statement into consideration.

Both school and life taught me to realize that, that statement means a lot more than you think.

Trying your best speaks volumes over acing a test, having a boyfriend/girlfriend, getting the role in a play or anything you feel like you need to do to succeed.

Sure, all of that is great and something to be proud of, but if you don’t try hard then it’s not an accomplishment.

Trying your best is the expectation you should be wanting to reach.

It really is the only expectation that matters.

Seeing people completely overwhelmed and dragged down by the weight of stress they are carrying is upsetting because we shouldn’t feel as if making one bad grade or one bad mistake means you are worthless.

It’s okay to not be okay and nobody is perfect.

Stress is something that will always exist, but don’t let it rule your life. Instead, focus on doing your best.

That should give you all the satisfaction you need.