The importance of trust

“It takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.” – Unknown

We live in a world today where trust is hard to find.

When you sit and think about it, though, you realize that trust is the foundation to many things, particularly relationships.

When I say “relationships,” though, I’m including not only relationships with significant others but also with parents and whoever you believe in.  

When you are in a relationship with someone, you have to be able to trust them.

You have to be able to give them freedom and feel comfortable with them being away from you without fearing that they’ll cheat.

It’s harder today to build a foundation of trust when people would rather have multiple people than be loyal to one.

They don’t think about the lasting effect it will have on the other before they cheat.

It all comes down to how much you care about someone.

Trusting can be hard to do but the more you care, the easier it is to want to trust someone.

Having trust makes caring so much easier.

You don’t have to worry, you don’t have to walk on eggshells all the time and you can just focus on being happy together.

Afterall, if you can’t trust the person you’re in a relationship with then you’re not meant to be with them anyway.

Another type of relationship is the relationship between you and your parents.

There tends to be a whole lot less arguing when parents trust their children.

They no longer have to argue about curfews, homework, grades or anything else.

Parents trust their kids to be responsible and to do what they know is right. That includes, prioritizing your studies and afterschool activities.

In order for your parents to trust you, you most likely have to do one of two things.

Either you already have the trust and you are responsible to make right decisions so you can keep it, or you have to earn it from the beginning.

Trust works hand in hand with honesty.

If you’re honest then it will be easier for people to trust you.

Why? Because it is better to tell the truth firsthand and accept your mistake than lie about your mistake. The truth end up coming out eventually, letting people know that you aren’t an honest person.The last relationship is the relationship between you and whoever you believe in.

For me, I believe in God and I am a Christian.

As a Christian, I trust God to get me through every obstacle I face in life.

I can rely on him because I know he won’t give up on me and I know he will be by my side through the good and the bad parts of life.

I also believe that His Word is true so I can trust everything it says.

If I didn’t trust Him, we wouldn’t have as strong of a relationship as we do.

The trust I have for him stays because His Words shows that he will always be by my side and I know I can believe it.