The advantages and disadvantages of technology

Almost every single day, new technology is discovered or released.

It brings great benefits that can keep people up-to-date, put people in contact with long lost friends, bring separated families back together and even prevent and cure some diseases.

It’s good to have an evolving society, but there comes a point where the advantages are outweighed by the disadvantages.

By no means am I saying that these benefits aren’t worth it because that’s not the case at all.

Sometimes, though, you look around and the beautiful images of technology are covered up by a society taking advantage of an amazing thing.

I grew up in the generation where you started out with a basic cell phone; one that you could call from, text from and accidentally press the expensive internet button.

Eventually, smartphones were invented.

According to PewResearchCenter, “73% of teens have access to a smart phone; 15% have only a basic phone.”

Along with that, it states, “91% of teens use the Internet on a mobile device.”

Technology has became the source of cyberbullying and lack of communication skills.

Cyberbullying is something that can be stopped if people put more effort into it.

If people were willing to stick up for what they believe in and be the bigger person by putting a stop to harmful activity on the internet, then a stop or heavy decrease in cyberbullying could occur.

It’s a lot easier for someone to hide behind a computer or phone screen and say hurtful things than for them to actually confront someone face to face.

Because of that, It’s also a lot easier for people to back a person up on social media, rather than in person.

A lot of people don’t stand up to cyber-bullies out of fear that they might say something to them as well over social media for everyone to see.

According to, “Nearly half of teens say they have posted something online that they later regretted.”

Apparently, It’s easier to support a wrong action than stand up for a right one nowadays.

Not only has cyberbullying increased but also communication skills have decreased.

It’s a lot more common for someone to have a conversation over text, email, Facebook messenger or Twitter or Instagram direct messages than it is for someone to call another person or talk to them in person.

My generation’s vocabulary is no longer as broad as people in older generations.

We have autocorrect and spellcheck to rely on, while older people actually had no other choice than to talk in person or over the phone.

Texting may be easier, but it’s causing a decrease in communication levels.

Teens growing up right now need to know how to communicate in person without the fear of messing up or using incorrect grammar.

They need to know how to type without using autocorrect and spellcheck.

We shouldn’t just rely on technology’s help to get us where we need to be on our own.

Technology may have amazing advantages, but when people choose to go overboard with the uses of technology and decide to use it in the wrong way and for the wrong reasons, things get messy.