Ever since elementary school, we have always been told to walk on the right side of the hallway, so why do we have trouble with something so simple?
Whenever I’m walking in the hallway, there is always somebody standing in the way where I’m trying to walk people, stepping on the back of my shoes, it’s a hot mess. I’m not expecting people to walk in a single file line, but there are a good bit of things that I think could be different.
Something that I think is that there should be more teachers alert while watching out in the halls. I’ve seen teachers see people get shoved but not do anything about it.
Also, people are just standing in the hallway talking to their friends. I get it. It might be your only time seeing them, that’s the only time I can see mine too.
But you also have to think about other people in that situation. It gets in the way of people trying to go to class and not be late.
When I see my friends in the hallway, I just walk with them until I get to my class, I’ve been very close to almost being late to a couple of my classes because I have to try to make my way through groups of people just standing in the hallway
Something that also really bothers me is the lack of manners people have in the hallway. I have probably almost tripped five times just from people bumping into me or stepping on the back of my shoes. I apologize but all I get is a rude look and an eye-roll.
There is definitely some getting used to the hallways especially coming from a small school like CGS. I feel like we all as a school could make this easier for everyone and just walk the way we are supposed to walk in the hallways or not standing in the middle of the rotunda.