Do you know how old your Chromebook really is? Most of us have had our Chromebooks since third grade; you do the math.
With age comes more problems and these Chromebooks are definitely outdated. From the keys falling off to the time it takes to load, I think we can all agree it would be more cost-efficient and simpler to allow students to have their own computers at school and use the school Chromebooks only if necessary.
According to educatorstechnology bringing your own computer “increases learner engagement and enhances students’ performance,” as well as responsibility. If students are offered the option to bring their own devices, then students will be more likely to take care of their own things. Replacing a part of your device is expensive and students don’t really take that to heart leading to many carles damages and expenses not only for the school but their parents as well.
Bringing your own computer is also very cost-effective. Schools spend between $26 billion and $41 billion annually on education technology around the world.
Any time damage occurs on their Chromebook students have to pay fees for the damages. If students could bring their own computers, these damages would decrease and if on their own devices be fixed on the families’ own account.
Another reason to bring your own device to school is that it would take a load off of our librarians’ shoulders and save you the trip. Every time a student has an issue or damage with their Chromebook, they have to head to the library.
In addition to the lengthy Chromebook turn-in days at the end of the year, hours of time would be saved by making the shift.
The positives for students bringing their own computers include cost and students get to learn a sense of responsibility, for those reasons, students should be allowed to bring their own devices to the school.