Year-round schooling? Sign me up

Jacob Stokes

A year-round school year, to a lot of people, is something that would ruin summer break and also decrease general satisfaction with their school year as it is thought to lead to more school days around the year.

The belief that a year-round school year would cause more school days and less time off is something that is very widespread among many students.

However this is not necessarily true as a year-round school year could actually lead to the opposite effect and make it so that there are more spread out breaks.

If indeed our state, or just our school in general, were to adopt a year round school policy then we would get the benefits that come with it.

Rock Hall Middle School in Maryland, for example, has a summer break of six weeks in addition to smaller, more frequent breaks throughout the year.

If we adopted this model, we would have breaks throughout the year, which would give us time to unwind and relax but not forget any information.

Even acknowledging the reality that there are plusses to a longer summer vacation — more time for long-term vacations, for example — I would have to side with the idea of a year-round school.