Students need more medical training

Jacob Stokes

Throughout our lives in the school system we have never really had any kind of medical training or anything medical related that we could use in the real world. However it seems that the school system has started something different.

With the introduction of CPR training being given to students, it begs the question of whether or not administrators will continue to teach the new kids CPR, and if they might adopt other similar, very crucial medical techniques to teach kids. I personally believe that they should start teaching other medical problems and how to solve them with the proper training rather than just CPR.

If kids in high school, and even past high school to middle school, were to have basic medical knowledge the might be able to look at and help a situation before the nurse got there and potentially save a life. The CPR training that was introduced to us here at Chapman High is only the first step, other forms of training that could be very important for students to know Epi-Pen training for allergic reactions along with the ability for students to be able to perform the Heimlich Maneuver in which they are able to be able to assist others who are choking.

However, even with the idea that they might do different medical trainings for students, it is a good idea to consider the fact that if they were to do medical training like the things presented to us thus far, it might end up taking a lot of time out of class. The school board would have to come up with a reasonable solution to this problem.

A possible solution to this problem of taking kids out of class is to have a week out of every semester dedicated to the medical training, each day teaching something else. This would allow for five days of training in different helpful subjects for kids as well as allowing the teachers enough time throughout the school year.

With the good that something like this could do, and the means to actually make it happen along with a solution for lost class time, I personally believe that our school system should adopt the CPR training permanently as well as maybe even starting other important medical trainings.