The loneliness of technology


Cassidy Bell

In the last few years, technology has become an essential part of our lives. Without it, we would not be able to get through the day.

Having a cellphone on you or sitting at a computer is the most comfortable for you. However, does technology make us feel more alone?

With it, we are able to talk to as many people as we want. We can Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, etc., but is talking to people through a phone the same as having a face-to-face conversation with someone?

Technology is starting to make people feel lonelier than ever. You sit behind a screen all day, but never say a word to anyone outloud. To me, that’s exactly what lonely feels like.

Using technology is a big help in today’s world. However, overusing it can make you feel like all you have is the technology that you are using.

Technology is making people feel lonely these past few years, and all it is going to do grow worse.

Technology should become less of a necessity. People need to start interacting with each other more in order to feel like they have others around them.

Technology is becoming more and more of a problem, and the only way it can be fixed is by us using it less and interacting more with the people around us.