Teachers give too much homework

In my opinion, teachers do assign too much homework.

I believe that homework has almost no impact on the student’s learning process and rather it just takes up time, space, and causes stress.

If a student receives homework and they do not know how to do the questions, that student will go home and do the questions incorrectly or stress for hours trying to get the questions right. Other times, the extra worksheets do not help for better understanding the material.

I have been in many classes where a teacher would assign homework that does not even help us better understand the material learned in class. Such things, like essays or lengthy math equations, take up time, and sometimes I would be up until midnight or later trying to finish something completely unnecessary.

I have seen people, my friends, become damaged because of too much homework that lead to lack of sleep.

I personally believe that no homework or very little homework should be given so that students have time to take a break, sleep, do extra curricular activities, relieve stress and have social time.

It’s healthier for the mind and gives the student time to relax and take a break from school, and plus a student will perform better in school they have enough sleep and do not have to stress over much.