How to deal with loneliness


  1. Read. Read until the hollowness in you is gone and you’re only tangled up in the soft touches of literature.
  2. Brew coffee. Enjoy silky spills of caffeine splashed into cups, carefully coloring the rich brown with cream and sugar.
  3. Write. Write your sorrows onto a page that only speaks to you in hushed lines, while the blankness of paper is your friend.
  4. Lie down. Listen to classic David Bowie records, taking comfort in the lyrics that spoke for the freaks and the lonely.
  5. Listen to the rain. Hear the intensity of the downfall, sighing whenever  thunder claps or lighting grabs the sky.
  6. Stand in the rain. Lift your hands and mouth to the heavens, as you spread your fingers, wanting the pureness to run over you.
  7. Paint. Let tender emotion cover a canvas, as you dirty brushes with azure and red, wanting to feel as if the paint was yourself.
  8. Sketch. Blankness once again being given to you, wanting you to cover its pages with curt drawings or languid watercolors.
  9. Reach a bookstore, or visit a library. Surround yourself with other worlds, read new work and find unknown authors.
  10. Go on runs. Time is sifting through your legs, wanting you to only think about the pace of your breathing.
  11. Visit a record shop. Drift through the musk of vinyl, the browning record sheets and peeling album covers. Run your fingers over the spines, feeling that you had once been with them there too.
  12. Explore antique stores. Look at the fading richness that once belonged to our older generations, crying for chances to belong with the present.
  13. Take up photography. Capture moments that are only obtainable by memory, making it a beautiful art form as you go along. Catch colors that only you are able to see and emotions that are only there once.
  14. Go to museums. Wonder hallways of forever giving knowledge, admiring the history of whatever there is too see. Hunger to learn.
  15. Read some more. It never hurt anyone.
  16. Meditate. Grant yourself silence as you gently drift into warmth and melt all of your anxieties.