The “what ifs” of life


Bailey Soden

I’m constantly thinking of “what ifs” instead of right now.

I try to know the answer to every situation that comes my way and unfortunately there aren’t answers to everything.

Living in the moment isn’t always roses and daisies; sometimes it stinks, but it’s what we have to do.

We only have a certain amount of life to do things so why waste on what ifs and worrying about the future?

Well, it’s easier said than done.

I’m the type of person who just goes with the flow, but not everyone is that way.

Some people demand plans in order to get through their day.

But plans can change or become rearranged and sometimes having plans set in stone isn’t always what’s best.

You can’t change everything that happens or be in control of everything happens.

But, what you can do is take control of right now and make something special of every moment.

At the end of the day you should go to bed smiling and if for some reason you aren’t, change.

Change can be scary but you can control that. You can control what you want changed in your life.

Make yourself happy, go to bed smiling, wake up smiling, live every moment like it’s your last and never regret anything.