To my class of 2017


Bailey Soden

To my class, Class of 2017.

Thank you for being a part of my journey throughout my high school career.

Thank you for creating friendships and memories with me that I’ll never forget.

Here’s to the good times that we will never forget and will always have to look back on.

We’ve made it. We’re at the end.

It’s time to move on to our next journey, and this time, we will all go our separate ways.

We will meet new people. We will become doctors, lawyers, teachers, musicians, artists and coaches, but mainly we will just become someone.

This is the chance now to become a whole new person, and forget all the wrong you’ve done.

One day all of us will become mothers, fathers, husbands, and wives.
And we’ll have made it.

In just 18 days, we will walk across that stage when our names are called, receive our diploma and head back to our seats.

They will tell us to move our tassels from the right to the left and then we will be graduates of Chapman High School.

Screams of joy will soon fill the air as our caps are thrown into the air, hugging the person closest to us.

Parents will cry and students will smile.

To those I have walked past in the hallway and never spoken too, I promise you will still be important to me when I am surrounded by thousands of unknown faces in college.

To those who I called my friends, but never seemed to find time outside of school for you, you are special to me.

When I am in my college classes sitting alone, I’ll be missing those conversations or friendly laughs we shared.

And to my best friends, I will truly miss you.

We will all go our separate ways and meet new people and slowly lose contact but thank you for making my high school experience one to remember.

I will forever remember my class of 2017.