Lady Panthers legendary run comes to an end

Chapman Varsity Volleyball team

On Monday Oct. 30, Chapman’s lady Panthers volleyball team competed against the Powdersville Patriots in the Upper State Championship. While the Panthers didn’t seal the win, they managed to take a lead in all three games, put up a powerful fight to the finish and made the entire student body proud.

Powdersville started off with a 25-18 win in the first game, but the girls didn’t let that stop them.

The second game started off strong with a block from Breana Mabry and Courtney Vernon, along with an ace from Lexi Irby and several other strong plays, pushing Chapman ahead 6-1. The Patriots took a timeout and after intense back and forth between the teams, Powdersville tied up the game 7-7.

The game continued on with strong competition, bringing the score to 23-17, Powdersville. The score was brought up by Kylee Brown’s save with an intense spike, but the Patriots sadly advanced on to win the second game with a final score of 25-18.

However, the Panthers weren’t ready to give up yet. The girls were intense, focused and driven to win this game and push the Patriots into another.

It started off in favor of Chapman with a Patriot’s serve into the net, blocks from Mabry and two attempts at saving Irby’s serve bringing the score to 5-0, Chapman. The intensity on the court strengthened as Powdersville pulled ahead bringing the score to 13-11.

Tinsley Blackwell served, causing a strong back and forth between the two teams until they blocked a hit from Chapman. After continuing throughout the game and giving it all they had, our Panthers sadly came up short 25-20, ending this incredible season for the girls.

Though they may not be headed to state, the passion and commitment they showed throughout the entire region season, playoffs and this upper state game was undeniable.

We at Chapman are unbelievably proud of our undefeated region champions and the girls have nothing to be ashamed of. Next year, we’re fully confident that our team will come back stronger and win the state championship!