Many students remember taking field trips in elementary school.
Some students think not as many are offered at the high school level, but that’s not true.
Chapman has many field trip opportunities.
For 20 years, Chapman has been running the senior trip.
The senior trip gives seniors an opportunity to have fun with their friends at Disney one last time before heading off to college.
¨It’s only for seniors,¨ said virtual lab teacher Ricky Pace. ¨It’s an opportunity for them to have one last hoorah with their friends before they graduate.¨
Pace, who is one of the chaperones for the senior trip, said that he gained so many great memories from the senior trip but his favorite one was seeing the seniors on the last night.
¨It’s definitely (memorable) being able to see students on that last day seeing the fireworks show in front of the castle and not wanting to leave,¨ he said.
Chapman theatre often takes trips.
Theatre members visited New York in 2015 and 2023.
On the trip to New York students learned choreography from Broadway shows, met the creator of “Hamilton,” and got a glimpse of how hard it is to be on Broadway.
Senior Jamison Matthews said that the New York trip impacted his life in many ways.
¨It has opened a different world for me,¨ Matthews said.¨I feel like when you just stay in South Carolina you see a lot of the same things you have seen before. When I went to New York I learned that there was a lot more to theater than acting.¨
Not all field trips require days of travel or overnight stays.
Robotics and Project Lead the Way teacher Fred Brown recently took students to BMW.
“It definitely helps to see firsthand what they are learning for and how they can apply it to the future,” Brown said.
Although students learn many lessons on field trips, teachers do as well.
“Field trips helped me get to know my students, and they got to know me as well,” Brown said.