Most seniors take the traditional college route, usually going to a two or four-year college right after graduation.
Some, however, take a different approach to college.
Early graduate Gwenivere Brown is heading to Croatia, a country in Southeastern Europe, this summer to spend a year connecting with family who live in the area.
Brown said they’re excited for the opportunity.
“It will be a nice time to bond with family I don’t really know that well,” they said. “I can also connect with my culture since I’m taking Croatian lessons.”
Brown hopes that time in Croatia will give them a chance to explore Europe.
“I’m going to have a lot more opportunities to travel,” Brown said. “I’m also going to see if I can go to different countries like Germany and Spain.”
Brown believes this decision is the right choice.
It also makes sense because visiting Europe for both academics and vacation is a family tradition.
After his own high school graduation, engineering teacher Fred Brown, Gwen’s father, spent a year in Belgium as an exchange student. His family hosted exchange students as well.
Since marrying his wife, Kristina, who he met in Croatia, Fred Brown and his family have visited the country, and other European countries, often.
“It’s just been something that has always meant a lot to us, meeting new people and seeing new places,” he said.