Go on your senior trip!
Chapman hosts a trip to Disney World for its senior class every year.
This is a great opportunity to get together with your senior class and do something exciting.
It’s also a way to get out of South Carolina, take a break from school work,\ and senioritis and mingle with people you otherwise never would have.
Senioritis hits hard as a senior, and many count down the days until the next break or three-day weekend. The senior trip is the perfect break and time away from school that seniors often need.
While on the senior trip, groups as little as two can explore Disney independently without a chaperone. Most students haven’t had freedom quite like that before, and this trip will give them the perfect taste of independence.
I had never gone out of state somewhere without parental figures before this trip, so I enjoyed being able to go out and explore alone with my friends.
It allowed me to learn navigational skills while navigating the park and money management to budget my spending on food/accessories.
I was able to bond with multiple people in my class that I otherwise wouldn’t have if I did not go on the senior trip by sharing time with them on the bus and in the parks.
I gained new friendships, inside jokes and unforgettable memories by bonding with these people on this trip.
If I had to go back, I would choose to attend the senior trip every time.