Chapman blood drive, students giving back

Around twice a semester at Chapman High School, we hold a blood drive in the auditorium. Donating blood is a quick and easy way to save a life in need. The process of donating blood only takes around five minutes, and you rest for about ten minutes, and you’re good to go.
Before you donate blood, you need to make sure you eat a good breakfast and drink 16 fl. oz. of water. Eating food prevents you from passing out and drinking water raises your blood capacity, thus bringing more veins to the surface, so it’s easier for the nurse to find a vein.
Donating blood is not only beneficial for other people, but it is very beneficial for the donor as well. Here are three reasons why: 
1.It can help lower the risks of cancer. It lowers your iron levels, which keeps it at healthy, normal levels. Lower iron is linked to a lower risk of cancer.
2.Donating blood can also help your heart and liver. An iron-rich diet doesn’t always absorb to your tissues, so it gets absorbs by your heart and liver. This can lead to cirrhosis, which is thick scarring. Donating blood lowers your iron, which evens out your levels.
3.And finally, it helps with blood reproduction. The cycle of new blood reproduction is a good way to stimulate your blood cells. This helps with good health overall.
Donating blood is an amazing way to not only help others but also to improve your overall health. You can save three people with just one pint of your blood.