Preparing for exam season

As the school year is coming to an end, most students are struggling to keep the thought of summer vacation out of their head, but during these last few weeks it is time for students to show how well they know the material that they have learned in past months.

Studying the material that you have learned is going to help you the most when you take the test, but if you don’t have a study plan, you’re not going to be productive.

  1. Stay organized. Always keep your study space organized as you will be more motivated opposed to a room without organization. A good way to stay organized is to use a planner because you can keep track of when your tests are and maintain your study plan.
  2. Take breaks. It is important to make sure you are taking breaks regularly during studying because it gives your brain a break which makes it possible to study to your full potential. A great app for tracking when you get to have breaks is Focus Keeper. This app is a timer that helps you keep track of your time studying, while making sure you don’t spend too much time taking breaks.
  3. Get plenty of sleep.The night before the test it is important to get a good night sleep. The recommended amount of sleep for teenagers is eight to ten hours, so pulling an all nighter cramming for the next day’s test will do nothing but hurt you.
  4. Use your resources. Your teachers are there to help you, so be sure to use the resources they provide. Most teachers arrive to school early and have at least one late day per week, so make sure to go to their class to for help. If your teacher assigns work on USATestprep, use it to your advantage when studying.

When it comes to the day of, you should make sure to arrive to class early so you have time to ask your teacher any last minute questions. Be sure to eat a good breakfast so you have enough energy to get through the test.

Be sure to plan out around how much time you will need on each question so you don’t stress as much when time is almost up. Plan to finish early so you have time to review questions you struggled on or needed extra time with.

When writing essays or responding to short answer questions, be sure to always organize your thoughts before beginning to write. It becomes much easier to put your thoughts on paper and begin your writing when you have a basic outline of what you are going to write.

Take your time and make sure you read each question and answer thoroughly, but be sure to stay mindful of how much time you have left. The key elements that are going to help you to do well on your exam are doing your best, taking your time and knowing the material that you have spent time on studying. Your grade does not define you so, take your time and do your best. Summer vacation will be here before you know it.