An Open Letter to the Newspaper Staff

Dear The Prowl Staff,

There aren’t any words to explain how much you all have impacted me but I hope this will be fitting. I have been on the staff of The Prowl for all of my high school career, and I have to say that my final year was spent with the best writers I could ever be with.

I love writing and being with you has helped me become a better writer. I have to say that each of you is a superb writer, and I hope that you all continue growing over your time left at Chapman.

Gracie, thank you for being a fantastic editor and for all the hard work you have done to improve The Prowl. Your passion for writing is intense, and I can see that you love it and The Prowl with all of your heart and soul. I am proud to say that you are the best editor I have been able to write with, and I hope that you continue into your senior year with the same drive that I have seen over this past year.

Adara, thanks for all the debates and the constant crosswords and horoscopes that I always looked forward to every morning. You also have a strong love of writing, and I could see you going on to be a journalist or even an editor for a newspaper in the future. I hope that you continue, and I hope you enjoy all the rest of your time on the staff and at Chapman.

Lane, thanks for being the little brother I never had. Ever since I met you my sophomore year, you have been a constant source of laughs and anger, but you always have been there. I know I am hard on you sometimes, but it is because I see all of the potential you have as both a writer and a student, and I want to see you succeed. You are a fantastic writer, and I hope you continue and grow into a someone I know you can be: a great writer, athlete and friend.

Cassidy, as a first-time staff member, you have been one of the best writers who I have worked with. Every day I walk into class, you are sitting there, and every time I say, “Hi” or “Hey” you always look up and smile and say, “Hi” back. You are happy in class, and when you talk to us, it is always fun and makes us chuckle or laugh. I hope that  you will continue to write on The Prowl staff. You have a wealth of talent, and I could see you being editor down the road when you are junior or senior.

Priscilla, you are very passionate about many topics, and I can see that it has helped you this year while on the staff. You always seem to have a funny remark to something we say or a random fact that opens up a great discussion for the staff to have. I see that you have great potential as a writer and I hope that you will stay on the staff next year and to continue developing your writing.

Cassidy Bell, we have been on the staff together three times and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I hope that you enjoy your remaining time at Chapman and I hope that you will continue writing for The Prowl. You have so much talent and I want you to develop it more after I’m gone.

I will always remember the time I have spent with all of you and I hope you know how much fun it has been being with all of you. I have been able to learn from all of you and see how much talent all of you have and how much you care for Chapman and The Prowl.

I will miss all of you, and I know that when I am gone that The Prowl will still be in good paws.


Kyle Wilson