Expectations versus reality for the class of 2021

The 2021 school year has been different then expected for everyone. From having A-day and B-day students to wearing masks and social distancing, if you asked any one two years ago what that thought their year would be like, this is far from what they would have said. 

“I expected the school year to be normal. Instead we have to wear masks and go to school three days out of the week with only half our class,” senior Ansley Hill said. “The activities that I had looked forward to are now a little less exciting, but I know that everyone is trying their best to stay safe and make the school year just as fun despite the chaos.”

Outside of school, Hill said that she had expected to travel more but that the COVID-19 had interrupted those plans. 

Senior Madison Gibbs also stated that this year was nothing like she expected. 

“Looking back as an underclassman, I would have never expected to be experiencing what I am today as a senior,” Gibbs said. “I expected my senior year to be unforgettable because of the memories I made, not because of a pandemic. It is definitely different from what I imagined my last year at Chapman would be like.”

Even as it is an unexpected year, students understand that all of the protocols are for our protection and the protection of the people around us. 

“Speaking generally, high school during a pandemic is exactly what I expected,” Gibbs said. “Masks and social distancing definitely do get in the way, but I know it’s all there to keep us safe and healthy.”

While this year has been far from normal, even with all of the changes that have come about positivity can still be found. 

“I am so grateful for the people at Chapman High School including teachers, students, faculty and staff,” Hill said. “Everyone is working so hard to keep each other safe during these times so I’m very grateful I am a part of this community.”