Making the switch to a vegetarian lifestyle

Making the choice to become vegetarian can be a very daunting task, and the most important thing to consider when making this change is the nutritional aspects of the dietary lifestyle.

Vitamins and nutrients are very important in any diet, and most times meat already provides them for you. So, when switching to a vegetarian diet it is important to continue nourishing your body with the nutrients that you need. 

A few very important nutrients to keep up with are: Calcium, vitamin B-12, omega-three fatty acids and iron. 

Calcium is a very well known nutrient, most popular for maintaining strong teeth and bones. Some foods that provide a source of calcium are:

  • Dairy foods
    • Eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt
  • Dark green vegetables
    • Collard greens, kale, broccoli
  • Calcium enriched products
    • Juices, soy milk, cereals, tofu

According to the Mayo Clinic, vitamin B-12 is important for producing red blood cells and it prevents health problems, such as anemia. This nutrient is not common in things other than meat. Some ways to get this vitamin are:

  • Vitamin enriched cereals
  • Soy products
  • Supplements

Omega-three fatty acids are important for improving heart health, controlling cholesterol and blood pressure. Some examples of foods that provide this vitamin are:

  • Fish and Eggs 
  • Canola/soy oil
  • Walnuts, ground flaxseed, soybeans

Iron is also important for producing and keeping red blood cells healthy. It is a harder nutrient to get, so it is important for vegetarians to eat double the amount that non-vegetarians would. Foods that are high in iron include:

  • Vegetables/fruit
    • Dried beans, peas, lentils
    • Dark green leafy vegetables
    • Dried fruits
  • Carbs
    • Enriched cereals and whole grains

Vitamins and nutrients are important to look at, but it is also vital that you consider the amount of each food group you consume each day in order to stay healthy. According to the Mayo Clinic, the number of nutrients you should eat each day include:

Food Group Vegetables Fruits Grains Dairy Protein Foods Oils
Daily Amount 2.5 Cups 2 Cups 6.5oz 3 Cups 3.5oz 27g


In order to live as a vegetarian and maintain a healthy diet, the nutrients and food groups that you take in are very important. Consider these things and hopefully, you will find yourself on the journey to following a healthy vegetarian lifestyle!