District One hosts Color Run

Imagine waking up one morning knowing that on that day you get to run in a 5k that will benefit so many people by showing them support and allowing them to participate in fitness while all of District One comes together to become one for this event.

On Saturday May 9 is the 2nd Annual “Color Us One” Run. It will be located in Landrum this year and is being promoted by both Chapman High School and Landrum High School.

This “Color Us One” Run was started last year and the turnout was far greater than expected.

Senior Marissa Norris couldn’t believe how great the turnout was and believes that this year’s turnout with be even bigger.

“Last year when we held the first annual Color Run we had no clue what to expect or how involved the community would be, but wow,” Norris said. “The amount of runners and sponsorships we received was so much more than we expected, so this year we are planning for a bigger turnout. We have much larger sponsorship plans this year and a lot more advertisements planned so we can reach a bigger crowd.”

Chapman High School and Landrum High School’s Student Council was in charge of getting sponsorships to sponsor the Color Run.

Senior Sophie Schwartzbauer is part of Chapman’s Student Council and had to participate in searching and collecting sponsorships for this event.

Sponsorships came from all over District One this year.

“This year we actually have schools sponsoring the color stations so that it will truly be a district event,” Schwartzbauer said.

The sponsorships that have been received were needed for more than just to make the event happen.

“The sponsorships are used to buy all of the necessities: color, t-shirts, glasses, snacks, signs and so much more,” Norris said. “This is an expensive event, but for all of the runners, it is free. All we ask is that each runner brings a can that we be donated to the food shelters in the community. Also, with the money we have left over, we are donating it to Healthy Smiles, an organization that provides dental care for children who cannot afford it, and to Mr. Steadings to help his family pay for his medical needs. We are grateful for any and all donations and sponsorships we receive.”

The Color Run is an event that was designed for many reasons.

“Dr. Garner, along with District One Leadership, wanted to establish an annual fitness initiative that involved every community within the district,” history teacher Grey Ramsey said. “The Color Run offers members of the District One community an opportunity to participate in an event that encourages fitness and unity.”

Along with all of the planning comes a lot of harder work and effort given by many people.

“The Color Run is an annual, community-wide, event that promotes health and the idea that we are one community,” Norris said. “It is not just CHS Student Council that orchestrates this event. It is the LHS Student Council, Landrum City Council, Inman City Council and the District One office. Our motto is ‘One Community, One in Fitness, and One in Fun.’ We’re striving for a healthier and more invested community and just to have fun.”

With all of the hard work and planning both CHS and LHS have been putting in to make this event happen, it has to be known how important this event is.

So much time has been dedicated and so much support has been shown.

With an event as huge as this one, there are many goals that not only CHS and LHS want to accomplish, but all of District One.

History teacher Rebecca Williams believes that one of those goals is to get the whole District involved in this event.

“The goal is to get as many people in the community involved as possible,” Williams said.

Norris thinks that there are a few major goals.

“Our top goals is to have fun, promote a healthy lifestyle, bring the community together and raise money for two very important foundations,” Norris said.