Planning prom requires hard work and secret keeping

The day you have been waiting for, for months is finally here.

For girls, the dress you have had hanging in your closet can finally be taken down; the makeup you have bought just for this day can now be opened; and you can finally head to the hair salon to get your hair fixed just the way you want it on this special night.

For guys, today is the day you get to dress in a tux and a tie that matches your prom date’s dress; the day you can get pictures taken; and the day you can have a great time with your friends.

It’s April 25.

It’s prom.

Most people plan for prom many months in advance, but Chapman’s prom committee has been too.

English teacher Casey Nunnemaker is in charge of the prom committee this year at Chapman.

The amount of planning that goes into sometimes goes unnoticed unless you are a part of it or have been in the past.

“Planning involves picking a theme and finding decorations that everyone agrees on to capture it,” Nunnemaker said.

Nunnemaker thinks that some things aren’t always understood about planning prom, like “the amount of planning that goes with putting together a three hour event and the tiny details that go with it.”

Junior Maddie Carr does not think that people realize how much effort is put into making this event happen.

“I don’t think people realize how much hard work it takes,” Carr said. “We spend almost every day during fourth block doing prom things.”

Here at Chapman, the prom’s theme is always a secret each year, creating a surprise for all people attending when they walk through the doors and make their way to the rotunda.

Keeping that secret can be challenging.

“It is not that hard (to keep the secret) although a lot of people ask and you have to remember not to tell them,” Nunnemaker said.

Carr thinks that keeping it a secret is hard.

“It is very hard (to keep the theme a secret),” Carr said. “Everyone knows that you are on the prom committee so they ask you over and over, but you know you can’t tell them no matter how bad you want to.”

When planning such a big and special event, it is very important to make everyone going happy.

Each year, there is pressure to make that year’s prom better than the year before.

“We always have a lot of pressure to make this year’s prom better than last year’s because people’s expectations rise every year,” Nunnemaker said.

Along with this come new things that the prom will have and this year at prom people attending can expect some different things than in the past.

“We have new themed props for the photo booth and a surprise that we have never had before,” Nunnemaker said.

Junior Sarah Mayfield is excited about one thing in particular for this year’s prom.

“I think we are all excited about decorations,” Mayfield said.

Students at CHS are looking forward to prom for many reasons.

Senior Danielle McComas is mostly looking forward to prom to spend time with people she cares about, but also is excited about getting to dress up.

“I am really looking forward to spending time with my friends and boyfriend,” said McComas. “I am also looking forward to getting to wear a dress I absolutely love.”

Even with all of the planning and being swept up by everything that has to be scheduled and bought, there is still a bigger meaning behind prom other than just getting to dress up.

Prom sometimes can be the one thing that allows seniors to know that their high school years are coming quickly to an end.

Prom occurs close to the end of the school year so seeing it come and go can be a reminder to all students attending, seniors and juniors, that high school is going be fast.

“I think prom is truly about being able to celebrate how far we have come in high school,” said McComas.

Nunnemaker thinks that prom is mostly about having one great night spending time with classmates.

“Prom is about enjoying one day hooray with classmates,” said Nunnemaker. “Especially seniors because they have graduation coming up a couple weeks after prom.”

Carr believes that people think they have to have a date to come but that isn’t the case at all.

“A lot of people think that to come to prom, you have to have a date,” Carr said. “This isn’t true. You can come with a friend, a group of friends or alone. It’s not a night you want to miss out on.”