Congratulations to the class of 2015!

Drew Timmons

Kinzie Sellars

As the end of the school year draws near, seniors have less than a week left.

They have now been attending school for 13 years, which is a total of 2,340 days.

Four of those years were high school.

Every single one of those days was spent doing class work, studying and doing homework.

Seniors, it is almost over.

Every night you stayed up until early morning hours studying or finishing a project are about to pay off.

All of the tests, good and bad grades, early mornings and late nights are about to be totally worth it.

In a little over two weeks, you get to walk across the stage and get your high school diploma.

You finally did it!

These years I know were stressful, overwhelming and probably either the best or worst years of your life, but now they are almost over.

Everything you’ve enjoyed is about to end.

You get to move onto a bigger chapter in your life now.

The sad thing about high school ending is that you won’t ever see or talk to most of the people you walk past in the hall every day, ever again.

You won’t get to be greeted by teachers you’ve talked to every day for the past four years.

The great times you’ve had will now be memories that you’ll never forget.

That is why it is so important to make your four years of high school the best years of your life.

Yes, school is stressful. Sometimes it seems like it will never end.

I sometimes find myself wishing it would be over because it is so overwhelming, but I know when the time comes for me to graduate; I will be wishing I could go back and relive it all.

Everything you have been through, all of the effort you have put into projects, all of the studying you have done for exams, EOCs and tests is about to be worth it and you will be so glad you did it.

Even though it was hard then, in the end, it was the best choice you could have made.

Over your high school years, many lessons were probably learned.

You may have taken chances and had great outcomes.

You may have gotten to play the sports you love.

Some days may have been disappointing and others may have been the best in your life.

High school matters.

Everyone at Chapman is proud of you and all you have accomplished.

High school is a huge stepping stone in life and now you are finished.

Good luck in college.Teachers and administrators have prepared you to do great things in the future.

Congratulations, Class of 2015!