Moving on after high school

So this will be my last opinion piece. I am very happy that I will be leaving Chapman soon. I am ready to get on with my life and to get out and explore the world. Many seniors will end up staying around Inman for the rest of their life. I want to do more and see the world at large.

There is so much more.

Graduating high school is one of the largest milestones of anyone’s life. With graduation comes transition. For many of our peers, unfortunately, it will be a difficult one. Some will experience life without someone to provide for the first time.

Although I am looking forward to graduation and cannot wait to get out of Chapman forever, some students might not feel the same way. What might be a sign of liberation and freedom to some could be a sign of despair and fear.

I do not know what I want to do with my life yet and I am certainly not alone in that. But I am fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to go to college.

Many students at Chapman have plans and some do not. I am pulling for the ones who do not have plans, because it is challenging out there without a roadmap.

A lot of people say that after high school your life really begins. Many people that I know say that high school will be the best time of your life and that it will all go downhill from there.

Let’s prove them wrong.