I’m going to miss you, Chapman High School


Drew Timmons

Mark Preston

The end of my last week, of the last year, of the four short years of my high school career.

I had a great time in high school and I am kind of sad that I am at the end now.

I feel like I am going to miss high school, not because I want to be here or because I have a lot of great friends. I feel like I am going to miss the safety of Chapman.

I am scared of the real world past Chapman. Every graduated student who I have ever seen come back for a visit have all said the same basic thing: “I was not ready”.

I hope I am ready. I know I may not be and I am mentally prepared for that, but I am still terrified of the reality that I am not ready.

Nevertheless, I’m going to miss the great teachers who have taught me well, and would like to say I’m sorry to all the teachers who I have royally disappointed and angered.

I have to say that without some teachers here I would still be the shy, unconfident student I was when I arrived.

I don’t think I ever had a bad teacher experience that most students tell me, and I know I for a fact that I have don’t have any horror stories of my own.

If any freshmen read this, don’t be scared and don’t be in a rush. Take your time, and have fun. Don’t stress out on stories from students about demon teachers and ludicrous amounts of homework.

I hope anyone who reads this has a great time with the rest of their high school carrier and all teachers have great classes and great students.

With this, I leave. Best of luck to all.