The importance of what is on the inside

When it comes to the people you want to have in your life forever as friends or even more than friends, what matters more: outward or inner beauty?

Are you going to want someone who is truly compatible with your personality or someone who  just looks “hot” in the eyes of your friends and the people around you?

People decide to choose forever friendships and relationships off of the way someone looks on the outside, rather than who they are on the inside.

People are more likely to turn away from someone who looks different than them before even getting to know their personality.

That makes no sense.

You could be missing out on someone who has things in common with you. Someone whose personality relates with yours.

I see judging of outward appearance as a huge negative factor in the world right now.

Junior Natalie Fowler agrees.

“I think society has changed the way we look at ourselves and others because people focus more on the outside image, rather than what’s on the inside,” Fowler said. “I think this is a wrong outlook on life to have because the appearance of someone doesn’t make them who they are. You can be the most beautiful or handsome person in the world, but if their personality is ‘ugly’ then when you get to know them, it overshadows their outer beauty.”

Finding someone “attractive” shouldn’t be based solely on the way they look on the outside.

Honestly, personalities make someone more attractive.

Society’s constant judging of others causes people to lose confidence, resulting in severe issues.

I think people would be a lot more confident if people would take the time to look past the outside view and look at what their heart looks like.

It’s okay to be different and it’s okay to be friends with someone even if they are different than you.

People have it so misconstrued.

“Most people are too concerned of others’ thoughts about them and how they’ll look talking to someone who chooses to be different even if they are one of the sweetest people someone could ever meet,” Fowler said. “They overlook the fact that that could be them feeling judged.”

It’s not okay for someone to be judged just because of what they appear to be to someone else.

It’s not okay for someone to be left out because of the way they choose to live.

The world would be a lot better and easier to live in if people weren’t so quick to judge and actually put effort into making someone feel special, rather than tearing them down.

Everyone has something about them that is beautiful.

It just takes the right person to see it.