The rewarding balancing act of work and school

I go to school and I go to work. It’s not easy, but I have to do it.

I am the oldest of my mother’s five children, and all my life money has been tight. I watched her struggle as she waited tables day and night.

Since I was 10, I’ve tried to help out and do my part around her house. When I started, it was cooking, cleaning and even babysitting the kids on the block.

It was sometimes an hour, sometimes four and sometimes I’d never know when to expect their parents at the door. The sun may have been up or it may have been down, but I wouldn’t get paid if I questioned them.

Today is similar, even if I cannot be refused pay and I do not have to work every day.

I leave school and go straight to work. There is no break .

Next comes the five, maybe six hours of work with a 15-to-30-minute break. When it all seems over, I still have to stay and clean.

After cleaning, it’s time to leave, but I don’t always sleep. I do homework, chores, shower, and eat.
I’m sure by now my point is clear: I only have a few hours of sleep each night. Having a job while going to school leaves you with a lot to do.

It’s a great learning experience and one of the best choices I’ve made because it has taught me so much, but neither my job nor my school will offer me any slack. Believe it or not, I’m glad that’s true because when it’s done I can stand up and say I got it done.

Nobody can ever take this accomplishment on me because I stayed up late plenty of nights and that I did alone.

When May comes and I walk that stage, I know I’ve earned it all.