Introduction to Journalism class learns about interviewing through press conference with Mandlove

On Aug. 27, Chapman’s Introduction to Journalism class held a first press conference with science teacher Ryan Mandlove.

Mandlove, who student taught at Dorman, taught at Byrnes and then the Byrnes freshman campus, and now teaches at Chapman, sat down in front of these students awaiting questions from all of them.

Junior Jodie Pack was one of the many students who raised her hand to ask Mandlove a question.

“(The press conference) was to help us learn how to interview someone so we know how when we are on our own,” Pack said. “ We did it all together so we are prepared when we are alone.”

Students learned many things through this process.

“I learned how to ask the right questions,” Pack said.

“I hope that they learned more about how to hold a successful press conference,” Mandlove said. “I addition, I hope they were able to learn that other students’ questions are just as important as their own questions when preparing an article covering the event.”

Introduction to Journalism, taught by Alex Hollis, is a course offered to the students who want to participate in journalism programs at Chapman.

The press conference was a way to prepare the students for many things.

“It was great preparation because it taught me which questions to ask and not to ask,” Pack said.

Overall, Pack said it was a great experience because it was fun and she learned a lot.

“I think the students asked some really good questions and it was fun to involve Coach Hollis in some of the answers,” Mandlove said. “It was a great experience. I think everybody involved had a lot of fun with it.

Although he didn’t learn anything new about himself, he was surprised at one thing.

“I was surprised that I didn’t get as nervous as I thought I would be,” Mandlove said. “I normally get nervous in situations where I am at the center of attention.”

Mandlove said teaching is what he has always wanted to do, and as long as it involves science, he is happy. Each day he looks forward to coming to school and teaching.

“Every day is different,” Mandlove said. “I get to interact with people every day and I get to watch students grow up and achieve goals. That is very exciting.”

Mandlove wants to be remembered for a few things, but especially for one thing in particular.

“(I want to be remembered) for my career and someone who cared for students and enjoyed teaching,” Mandlove said. “Overall though, for being a good dad. I am proud of myself for that. I am more of a personal guy, so I like to go home and spend time with my family.”