Chapman begins Homecoming preparation

One of the many things senior girls get to look forward to is the opportunity to be crowned as Homecoming Queen.

Seniors Harrison Pruitt and Mackenzie Stewart are two of the girls who have chosen to participate in Homecoming this year.

“I decided to do Homecoming this year because I felt like I needed to get out of my comfort zone and try something new,” Pruitt said. “It’s my last year of high school, so I’m trying to do everything I can to make lots of memories before the year comes to an end.”

Stewart feels the same way.

“I decided to do Homecoming this year because it’s my senior year and I want to experience all the activities I can throughout my high school career,” Stewart said.

A lot goes into making Homecoming happen.

Social studies teacher Rebecca Williams is in charge of Homecoming.

“Homecoming is a huge undertaking by Student Council, as well as other clubs and groups at Chapman,” Williams said. “Student Council works hard to make it a week that students will enjoy and remember for years to come. From Spirit Week with the dress-up days to the Homecoming parade in downtown Inman on the night before the Homecoming game, the goal is to increase school spirit and highlight Chapman’s fantastic students.”

Williams also wants people to know that there is work that goes into it that is unnoticed by the student body.

“Behind the scenes work that goes into making Homecoming week eventful range from coordinating assemblies, receptions, pep rallies and events for the contestants, their sponsors, and their families to enjoy, as well as for the student body of Chapman,” Williams said.

Being a part of the Homecoming court brings outside-of-school responsibilities.

“The 2015 Chapman Homecoming contestants are expected to represent Chapman in the best way during all Homecoming events,” Williams said. “They will participate in a fundraising event decided on by Student Council to help a local charity. The Homecoming couple that can raise the most money during the week for our chosen charity will be recognized at the Homecoming Pep Rally.”

For the Homecoming contestants, preparations consist of many things and are sometimes started months in advance.

“I have already picked out all of my outfits for the assembly and the night of,” Pruitt said. “I have also decided how I am going to wear my hair and how I am going to do my makeup. I have gotten my dad’s outfit together for that night as well.”

Some students haved looked forward to participating in Homecoming for as long as they could remember.

“I have always wanted to participate in Homecoming because it is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and as a senior, it’s a privilege we have been given that I want to take full advantage of,” Stewart said.

“Homecoming has always been something I’ve wanted to do,” Pruitt said. “I love getting dressed up and everyone always has a blast doing it.”

Pruitt and Stewart have a variety of things to look forward to while participating in this event.

“I am most looking forward to all the activities that come with it,” Stewart said. “I just want to enjoy everything and enjoy my senior year.”

Pruitt said she is most excited about getting dressed up and making new memories with her friends.

Some of the things these girls have learned have turned into advice to help future Homecoming contestants.

“Advice I would give upcoming seniors doing Homecoming would have to be to get your date in advance,” Pruitt said. “Even before the junior year ends, everyone is already thinking about who they’re going to take. Make sure you have a date first and set it in stone.”

Stewart agrees.

“Some advice I would give to the upcoming seniors would be to go ahead and try to find an escort,” Stewart said. “Take advantage of this opportunity and just have fun!”

Williams has seen many things over the years so her advice was to enjoy this time with friends and family because it’s a privilege and the contestants should look forward to the experience.

Homecoming week isn’t only exciting for the people participating but also for the whole student body.

“As always, students should prepare to showcase their school spirit through spirit days,” Williams said.

While the first four days of the week are currently under wraps, Friday will be Spirit Day.

“Friday of Spirit Week is always an opportunity to show off their school pride,” Williams said. “Wear orange and blue! Come out and support your Chapman panther football and the Homecoming court.”