National Honor Society provides student with important opportunities

When you achieve certain things in school, you are honored in different ways.

Special education teacher and National Honor Society (NHS) sponsor Kris Haimbach said that the National Honor Society is a program at Chapman that celebrates student achievement.

“(The National Honor Society) recognizes students that have achieved a high GPA, (have) leadership skills and serve in the community,” Haimbach said.

Junior Macy Metcalf is a new member of the National Honor Society and had to maintain certain qualifications just like all of the other members.

“You have to have a 4.25 GPA or higher (and) show good character, service and leadership,” Metcalf said.

Haimbach seeks out other teachers’ opinions before selecting juniors and seniors.

“I survey teachers to find out the character of the student who qualified,” Haimbach said.

The National Honor Society participates in many different service opportunities.

“Students are responsible for eight hours of service,” Haimbach said. “We do various things including helping the Carolina Miracle League which is an opportunity coming up. Students are in charge of their own individual opportunities as well.”

Senior Sarah Mayfield, who joined NHS last year, said that she loves these opportunities.

“We are involved in multiple community service projects, my favorite being volunteering with the Miracle League,” Mayfield said.

Metcalf said that being invited to join NHS made her happy.

“(Receiving the letter) made me feel honored and excited because I realized my hard work and studying is really paying off,” Metcalf said.

Mayfield echoed Metcalf’s thoughts.

“I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment about myself, and, of course, I was thrilled,” Mayfield said. “It proved to me that hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.”

Haimbach said that an NHS membership is important beyond high school.

“It’s an honor that will follow each student through their whole lives,” Haimbach said.

Mayfield believes everything about this program is great but one truly sticks out.

“It’s always a blessing when you’re able to make a difference in someone’s day,” Mayfield said. “National Honor Society allows me to do just that.”