Newspaper is family

Newspaper is family.

We aren’t just a “class” that teaches each other things. We help each other, support each other, give each other advice and are generally just there for each other.

When people think of newspaper or journalism in general, they think it is a class where all we do is write, that we are just a bunch of nerds grouping together to write and interview people.

That’s not the case at all. We are so much more than that.

Yes, we write, but we become closer because we have a passion for writing.

We don’t just come to class to sit in a desk, interview and write for 90 minutes.

We come to class and make sure everyone had a great previous day or weekend. We come to class to inform the student body and faculty of Chapman on upcoming events and opinions of the classmates around them.

Class consists of writing but not out of boredom or because we have to. We do it because we want to.

We all work together to develop an online newspaper worth reading.

Being part of the journalism program at Chapman is an honor. You aren’t turned away because you may be “different” from others or because you believe different things.

You are supported for who you are, and no one will try to change that.

You get to share your opinion on so many things because to us, your opinion matters.

You get to educate those around you on things others may not have known about.

I consider myself lucky to be apart of such an amazing program.

Newspaper isn’t all about the words written on paper or typed on a screen.

It’s about the love for those words and the love we have for the staff.

Newspaper isn’t what you think.

Newspaper is family.