Interact Club provides opportunities to help others

Interact Club is a global organization for people ages 12 through 18 who would like to help tackle issues in their communities.

“Interact Club is the school version of Rotary,” Interact Club sponsor Amy Ballentine said. “Our motto is ‘service above self.’”

Each year the goal is to have one global project and a community project.

This year, Chapman’s club is planning on many different projects including Habitat for Humanity, Spartanburg’s children shelter and the blood drive.

This year, the Interact Club has a new club president and vice president, seniors Berenice Rabadan and Madison Tutterow.

“As president, I have to make sure things get done and smoothly, think of new projects and be sure that we help the community and our school the most we can,” Rabadan said.

“This year we will try to do more and achieve more of our goals,” Tutterow said.

Though the club does consist of a lot of work and dedication, members say it is a humbling and moving experience.

“I enjoy doing things for other people,” Ballentine said. “I’m a better person for doing things for others.”

“I found it nice to join and support the club, and also I love helping, so Interact was meant for me,” Rabadon said.

“A friend recommended me into Interact Club, and after the first meeting, I was hooked,” Tutterow said. “I like helping people just for the goodness of it not for the praise of it.”

Through Interact Club, students have a chance to connect with community leaders, develop leadership skills and possibly make international connections.

“The goal of Interact Club is to instill in students that they make a difference to other people around them,” Ballentine said.

“I think the purpose of Interact Club is to help people realize there are less fortunate people out there and that we can help them and that we will help them,” Tutterow said.

“We all can find a way to contribute to make the community a better place,” Rabadon said.

Interested students should talk to Ballentine in the media center.