Class ring retrospective


Chapman juniors experienced another step in their high school career on Monday as students received their class rings. The ceremony is a way for students to receive the ring but it also is a chance to show them how far they have gone.

The students now have an item to look at and remember but it also can symbolize something else.

“It’s a reminder of my high school memories and all that I accomplished through my time at Chapman,” said Dillon Johnson.

“It allows me to remember all the moments that shaped my high school years and I can always have that with me,” said Bailey Sumner.

Besides the accomplishments that the students were able to experience, the ring can also be a symbol of both friendship or community between people who receive it.

“I look at it and I think it symbolizes all the friendships that I have made throughout high school,” said Parker Morin. ”It symbolizes the bonds that you have made with your friends.”

“I see it as the class is finally together now that we all have a ring,” said Tyler St. Louis. ”We are closer because of the ring.”

Some students have looked forward to getting the ring as far back as their freshman year at Chapman.

“My parents talked about getting their rings in high school and I wanted to be able to know how that felt. It was an accomplishment that I had been waiting forward to accomplish,” said Sumner.

The ring is not only a symbol of time passing and goals that a student has completed, it is also a symbol of pride for the students to show that they were all Chapman Panthers.

The students may all have different interpretations of what the ring symbolizes but as long as they wear that ring on their finger, they will always be the Chapman class of 2019.