Teacher feature: Alex Colson


Elizabeth Franklin

English teacher Alex Colson teaches a lesson on literary terms. Colson has been at Chapman since 2015.

There are many great teachers at Chapman that influence and inspire their students, but one specific teacher is Alex Colson.

Colson has been an English teacher at Chapman for six years.

If you were to ask any student at Chapman despite their age or grade, chances are at some point in their time at Chapman they would have had Colson for English. Colson didn’t choose to be a freshman teacher, but it was given to her. She said that even though she didn’t choose freshmen, she loves to teach them for many reasons.

“I love being some of the first teachers freshmen have,” Colson said. “I love to watch them mature and grow throughout their time at CHS.”

Colson has only ever taught at Chapman, and she has only ever been an English teacher. Colson said that she actually thought about going to school to become a math teacher but realized what an amazing opportunity being an English teacher provides. 

“I get to teach standards, but I also get to teach and create opportunities for growth. I 100% believe literature provides an opportunity for people to learn about something bigger than themselves,” Colson said. 

Colson knew from a young age that she loved to help people, and when she was in middle school she started tutoring a friend who had been out sick. Once the friend got caught up, she still needed help in classes, so the tutoring continued. 

“I tutored through middle and high school,” Colson said. “I loved when the people I was helping would finally get it and understand, I knew then I wanted to teach.”

Colson said that she has had made many memories over the course of her career thus far. One, in particular, stands out.

“One of my favorite memories is probably Mr. Pace as a firefighter.  If you know you know,” Colson said.  

Colson’s students appreciate the work she puts into making her class both fun a good learning environment.

“Her class is really fun,” freshman Dawson Walters said. “She knows how to reinforce English and make it into a fun class.”