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The student newspaper site of Chapman High School

The Prowl

The student newspaper site of Chapman High School

The Prowl

The student newspaper site of Chapman High School

The Prowl

Abbie Cleveland

Abbie Cleveland, Staff Writer

Abbie Cleveland is a freshman at Chapman. This is her first year on staff. She is determined to learn more about journalism and express her opinion on important subjects that light needs to be shined on. Abbie hopes she can use her experience with the staff to help with college, future classes, and future jobs. She knows this semester will be both fun and serious when it needs to be. She is tall — standing at 4’10 — has a loving boyfriend of a year and four months, and has two boxers, Pearl and Roxxy.    

All content by Abbie Cleveland
Abbie Cleveland

How my life has changed

Abbie Cleveland, Staff Writer
April 7, 2020

Combating the flu

Abbie Cleveland, Staff Writer
January 30, 2020
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