High school students should exercise right to vote


Kyle Wilson

Ever since the creation of the U.S. people have wanted to choose who leads the nation. In response of this, the United States created the election to choose our president.

In 1971, Congress passed the 26th Amendment, changing the legal age of voting to 18.

As a 17-year-old who is about to turn 18, I am getting interested in politics and how the government should be run.

There are issues that affect teenagers and pre-teens that don’t affect adults so teenagers need to have their voice heard.

With my generation facing issues such as terrorism, race issues and massive debt, we need to start taking an interest in who is running our country and how they run it.
When we turn 18, we are allowed to have a say in how our country is run, and I am excited to be  heard.

Teenagers are looked down on because they aren’t adults or mature enough, but when we turn 18, we are able to speak our minds about issues that are plaguing us and the United States.

We were given the right to vote because we wanted a say in our nation.

When any teenager turns 18, they need to vote so we can have our voices heard about how we want the nation to be run.