Narcissism and social media


Cassidy Bell

Does social media make us more narcissistic? Does it make us feel like we are better than others? I believe this is 100% true.

Social media has made people become full of themselves. All they focus on is what they look like and what others think about them. Social media is taking a bad toll on people.

Most people these days have at least one type of social media, and seemingly all of those people have had a narcissistic moment.

Scrolling through Instagram and seeing pictures of everyone is great, but you tend to become jealous of what you’re seeing.

You work hard to take the best pictures you can, just to make sure you’re not being out done.

People need to worry less about what other people think about them.

What matters the most is making sure what you put on your social media is uplifting and putting people in good moods.

Social media needs to be turned into to something good rather than making people feel down about themselves.