Homework is not beneficial for students

Having an excessive amount of homework every night can contribute to a decline in a student’s overall mental and physical health. Every day, students stress over the amount of homework that teachers give them. With extracurricular activities, it makes it even harder to complete the excessive homework given to them nightly.

Chapman High School has 19 sports between fall, winter and spring along with numerous clubs that students are involved in both before and after school. Some students are even involved with sports and activities outside of their school that takes up time after a school day. 

This can make it more difficult for students to complete their work on time since they don’t get home till later in the evenings. Because of the long hours some sports programs can have, excessive amounts of homework can interfere with nightly routines and cause a decrease in sleep trying to get it all done before the next morning.

School is meant to educate students through different learning styles. Teachers will assign students one to two hours of homework.

Most of the time, people rush to finish their homework so that they can have more time for themselves, and by doing this they don’t learn anything. Nowadays, there are so many different apps that students can use to almost “cheat” their way through homework to get it done quicker. 

When doing homework at night, students have little-to-no communication with the teacher who assigned it, which can lead to frustration and the student giving up on the assignment before it is completed. The thought of not finishing the work can cause anxiety and sleep loss.

In conclusion, excessive amounts of homework are not beneficial to the student’s overall learning. Students that are involved in sports, clubs, and activities already have a limited amount of time to spend with their family and friends, so adding homework only shortens that time together. Students have enough to be stressed about already with school, so adding excessive amounts of homework is unnecessary. Students should get the time after school to focus on themselves, not on more work.