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The student newspaper site of Chapman High School

The Prowl

The student newspaper site of Chapman High School

The Prowl

The student newspaper site of Chapman High School

The Prowl

Jordan West

Jordan West, Editor (Fall 2023)

Jordan West is a 17-year-old senior at Chapman. Along with being the Editor of The Prowl, she is a member of the varsity cheerleading team. She is excited to get to spend her last semester at Chapman giving to the new staff members what previous members gave to her. 

All content by Jordan West
Newspaper goodbye

Newspaper goodbye

Jordan West, Editor
December 14, 2023

The dangers of cold calling

Jordan West, Managing Editor
January 24, 2023
PHOTO GALLERY: Miss Panorama '23

PHOTO GALLERY: Miss Panorama ’23

Jordan West, Social Media Manager
January 23, 2023
PHOTO GALLERY: Pep Rally 1/17/23

PHOTO GALLERY: Pep Rally 1/17/23

Jordan West, Managing Editor
January 18, 2023
PHOTO GALLERY: Veterans Day 2022

PHOTO GALLERY: Veterans Day 2022

Jordan West, Managing Editor
November 11, 2022

PHOTO GALLERY: Homecoming Assembly 9/29/22

Jordan West, Managing Editor
September 29, 2022
Colson wins District 1 Teacher of the Year

Colson wins District 1 Teacher of the Year

Jordan West, Managing Editor
September 21, 2022

PHOTO GALLERY: Chapman vs. Laurens, 9/9/22

Jordan West, Managing Editor
September 12, 2022
Football team looks to the future

Football team looks to the future

Jordan West, Managing Editor
August 25, 2022

A job well done by the Panorama staff

Jordan West, Social Media Manager
May 23, 2022

PHOTO GALLERY: Baseball vs. Chesnee, 4/29/22

Jordan West, Social Media Manager
April 29, 2022
PHOTO GALLERY: Baseball vs. Emerald, 3/22/2

PHOTO GALLERY: Baseball vs. Emerald, 3/22/2

Jordan West, Social Media Manager
March 24, 2022

PHOTO GALLERY: Chapman vs. Broome, 2/11/22

Jordan West, Social Media Manager
February 15, 2022
Teacher Feature: Lindsay McMinn

Teacher Feature: Lindsay McMinn

Jordan West, Social Media Manager
January 25, 2022
Patrick Lowe addresses students in Julie McAntyre’s English III class. Lowe is a new substitute this year and has been working almost daily.

Chapman battles substitute shortage

Jordan West, Social Media Manager
December 13, 2021

PHOTO GALLERY: Chapman vs. Blue Ridge, 11/5/21

Jordan West, Social Media Manager
November 8, 2021

PHOTO GALLERY: Volleyball vs. Union, 10/11/21

Jordan West, Social Media Manager
October 12, 2021

PHOTO GALLERY: Chapman vs. Woodruff, 10/1/21

Jordan West, Social Media Manager
October 4, 2021
Social studies teacher Kimberly Ensley teaches her 4th block Human Geography class. Ensley is a graduate of Chapman.

Ensley returns to Chapman

Jordan West, Social Media Manager
September 15, 2021
English teacher Andy Lopez teaches students about argumentative writing. Lopez is not new to education but is new to Chapman.

Lopez joins English department

Jordan West, Social Media Manager
September 7, 2021
The Chapman High School varsity cheerleading team poses for a picture. The team is being led by new coach Allie Linnerud.

Linnerud takes over cheerleading team

Jordan West, Social Media Manager
August 27, 2021
The Chapman competition cheerleading team competes in a competition at Travelers Rest High School last fall.

Why cheerleading is a sport

Jordan West, Staff Writer
March 2, 2021

Why do students need to learn this?

Jordan West, Staff Writer
February 17, 2021
English teacher Alex Colson teaches a lesson on literary terms. Colson has been at Chapman since 2015.

Teacher feature: Alex Colson

Jordan West, Staff Writer
February 2, 2021
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